Why Is Skincare Important For Makeup?

When it comes to skin care many people do not think that it’s NOT essential before applying makeup. Skin care can change the way your overall makeup look looks. Having a good skincare regime not only has many benefits such as, helping balance the skins pH levels and the various skin textures. By taking care of your skin through using skin care products you can create the perfect canvas for your makeup to be applied on. This can make your face look flawless with makeup which can only enhance the skins true beauty. 

So, why is skincare important for makeup?

  1. It get’s rid of texture on the skin.
  2. Control oils that the skin secretes helps reduce your makeup looking oily.
  3. Helps reduce large pores so that makeup does not sit in the pores.
  4. Reduces hyperpigmentation which can change the way your makeup will look overall.
  5. Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles so that makeup does not settle in fine lines/wrinkles.

In order to know what type of skincare products best suit’s your skin type, you need to determine what skin type you have. The following is a basic guide of skin types and what types of products to look for:

Normal/combination skin types: Usually have both oily and dry skin, it has the tendency of being oily on the t-zone area and drier on the cheeks.  Its important to find a skin care regime that will help balance this skin type’s pH levels.

Oily skin types: If you are an oily skin type you will find that your skin is always oily all over your face. This skin type can also suffer from large pores and acne.  The right skincare for this skin type is to look at products that are oil-free, which can help reduce the secretion of oils surfacing.

Dry skin types: This type of skin usually suffer from dry and flakey skin. This skin type has a tendency of feeling tight on the cheeks, which can also suffer from eczema if the skin gets too dry. It’s important to keep this skin type hydrated by uing rich moisturizing skin care products.

1. Gets Rid Of Skin’s Texture

When it comes to makeup the one known fact is that makeup does not cover the skins texture in fact it enhances it.  Textured skin such as dry and flakey skin can make your makeup look flakey and patchy.  The right way to get rid of this type of texture, is to focus on skin care that will help the proper exfoliation and the correct hydration. This will create the perfect canvass for your makeup to apply on smoothly.

A basic skin care regime that would help with dry and flakey skin is:

Exfoliate the skin 1-2 weekly: One of the main ways to get rid of dead skin or flakey skin is by exfoliating the face regularly. Most exfoliators have granules in the formulation that is supposed to scrub off the surface of the skin where the dead skin cells sit, it’s best to use exfoliators on cleansed and damp skin. When using an exfoliator on cleansed skin make sure to use circular motions to remove any dead skin cells, this also helps with circulation which helps the skin with a natural glow.

Use a hydrating face mask: Another way to hydrate the skin is by using a face mask weekly. Hydrating face masks usually are applied on cleansed skin which helps lock in hydration during the week and prevents any flaking of the skin from reoccurring.

Hydrating cleanser: The skin should always be cleansed especially if the skin has a flakey rough texture. Hydrating cleansers formulated for dry skin will add additional hydration to the skin instead of drying out the skin further. Cleansers usually help keep the skin clean from any dirt and oils.

Tone the skin: By toning the skin this removes any additional dirt and oils that may be sitting in the pores that the cleanser is unable to capture. By adding this step to a skin care regime it helps with balancing pH levels of the skin. When it comes to dry flaky skin the right toner to look at is a hydrating toner which can also add further hydration to the skin while conditioning it at the same time.

Implement using a face serum: Using a face serum makes a huge difference in how hydration is delivered into the skin. Serums usually help deliver moisture deeper into the skin, they also give you the most of your moisturizer.

Use a hydrating face cream to add additional hydration to the skin which can help keep the skin hydrated throughout the day. Moisturizers usually help bring the skins natural glow back to the skin while keeping the skin hydrated and supple.

By implementing these steps if you have patchy and rough skin a basic skin care routine like this helps keep the skin hydrated and supple.  It removes the rough texture on the skin which prevents your skin from looking patchy and uneven with makeup on. The purpose of a great skin care regime of rough textured skin is to make sure your makeup can apply smoothly to enhance your skins true beauty. Lastly, for dry and patchy skin, it’s important to stay away from any products that may contain alcohol, because this will add additional dryness.  Stick to applying cream based and liquid formulated makeup products (that aren’t oil free).

2. Skin care helps with Controlling oils that the skin secretes which reduces your makeup looking oily

Another reason how skin care effects the make up is by preventing your makeup from looking oily or greasy. One of the main reasons why your makeup maybe looking oily is because the skincare maybe all wrong. It’s important for oily skin types to have a skin care regime that help’s prevent the skin from secreting oils to the surface of the skin.  If the skin is very oily then it’s more likely to break out due to clogged pores. This will affect the way your makeup will look because its hard to cover up textured skin that is bumpy.  

Another problem with oily skin is that it makes the makeup look oily and shiny as it breaks apart the makeup. It creates a lot of problems which eats away at the makeup causing the longevity of the makeup to disappear.  Therefore, it’s important to implement a great skin care regime for oily skin types.

Exfoliate the skin regularly, it may seem that oily skin types do not need to exfoliate but the truth of the matter is that it does require weekly exfoliation. The reason being is because oily skin types are prone to having a lot of sebum secretion which can bring blackheads up to the skin.

This will help reduce any black heads that may surface down the road.  Blackheads consist of dead skin cells and dirt that remain trapped in the pore which can eventually turn into acne.  It’s best to regularly exfoliate the skin to reduce this problem.

Use weekly face masks, this will help reduce the secretion of oils surface on the skin. Look at using a charcoal mask. These types of masks help by absorbing what is in the pores and allowing it to surface to the top of the skin.  This is a great way to detox the skin regularly. This step should be done once or twice a week.

When cleansing oily skin it’s really important for the skin type to stay away from any cleanser’s that are rich in moisture. If you have this type of skin it’s important for you to look at oil free cleansers because you don’t want the cleanser adding additional oils and cause the skin from becoming further oily. The cleanser should be used daily to prevent any dirt and oils being on the surface of the skin and to keep it clean.

When toning the skin its also important to look at a formulation that is oil free. The purpose of oil free toner is so that it can cleanse the pores and get into the pores to remove the dirt and oils that the cleanser was unable to get out. The toner needs to be used daily in order for the skin’s pH level to be balanced.

A Serum should be used before the moisturizer, the purpose of using a serum for oily skin types so that the skin is delivered with the right amount of hydration by using the correct moisturizer.  As mentioned before serums allow the moisturizer to go under the skin rather than sitting on top of the skin.

Lastly, use the correct moisturizer for oily skin types, Yes! oily skin types still need to moisturize. The type of moisturizer oily skin types should look at are oil free formulations. The reason being, because this will help hydrate the skin along with controling any excess oils from further surfacing.  Usually these types of formulations are mattifying which helps reduce oils from surfacing.

By implementing such a skincare regiment, it helps your makeup look less oily and prevents the skin from breaking out. A skin care regime like this will help control oils and of course allow your makeup to last longer because the oils will not eat away at the makeup.  Lastly, when applying makeup for this skin type it’s wise to look at mattifying makeup products to help keep the skin even less oily, therefore, try looking at products that have a powder finish.

3. Skin helps reduce large pores so that makeup does not sit in the pores

Another issue that many of us have when we get older is larger pores. This is really common for people who have normal to oily skin. When the skin has large pores, it can make your makeup uneven making it sit in the large pores, which can accentuate the skin’s texture.  It’s important to look at a skin care regime that helps reduce large pores.

The following is a basic skin care regime to reduce large pores:

Exfoliate: It’s important to exfoliate the skin weekly, this will help remove any dead skin cells in the surface of the skin which, can help prevent an acne from occurring. Exfoliating the skin also helps reduce blackheads and helps remove any dirt, oils and makeup that may be sitting in the pores.  

Weekly face masks: One of the main reasons why large pores occur is because the pores are oily and become enlarged over time.  Another skin care product which can help tighten the pores is face masks. Most face masks that are applied should be used 1-2 times a week. It should be left on the skin for approximately 10-20 mins in order to get immediate results.  Clay and charcoal masks help absorb oils that maybe residing in the pores and helps detox the skin.

Cleanse the skin: Everyday the skin should be cleansed with the correct cleanser, If the skin is normal to combination then its best to look for a daily cleanser that can help balance the skin’s pH level. For oily skin types look for oil-free cleansers to help control the oils.

Tone the skin: The skin should always be toned before applying any moisturizer. Toners usually clean the skin from any dirt and impurities that the cleanser was unable to get, they get into the pores and can help reduce the oil secretion.

Use a serum: Using a daily serum ensures that we will get the most of our moisturizer.  Serums absorb the moisturizer and sink it into the skin, otherwise the moisturizer will sit on the surface of the skin.

Daily moisturizer: A daily moisturizer should be used everyday in order to deliver the right amount of moisture to the skin. A daily moisturizer for normal to combination skin ensures that it will balance the oils with the skin.  For oily skin types, its best to use moisturizers that are oil-free so that the oils are controlled and it helps control the larger pores.

By having the correct and a weekly skincare regime for normal-oily skin types that suffer with large pores.  The main purpose is to reduce the secretion of oils that the skin is able to produce because the more oils that the skin produces it stretches out the pores causing them to become enlarged.

As mentioned, when makeup is applied on top of the enlarged pores, it can appear uneven and can sink into them. Skincare is a great way to tackling the problem.  If this can help reduce large pores then it allows you to get the most out of your makeup. When applying the makeup on to your skin that may have larger pores it’s also important to look at makeup products that won’t accentuate the pores.  Therefore, avoid looking at products full of shimmer because once its in the pores it can bring more attention to them.

4. Reduces hyperpigmentation which can change the way your makeup will look overall

Sometimes when applying foundation to the skin it may appear that the makeup looks pink or gray. One reason why this maybe occurring is because the skin itself my suffer from hyper pigmentation such as redness.  This can always be corrected with color correcting concealers.

Why not tackle the problem with skin care to avoid the color correcting step?  Sensitive skin types have a tendency of suffering with redness. Another form of hyper pigmentation can be under eye circles which can be difficult to cover up in extreme cases.  It’s good to turn to skin care to avoid having this problem.

When it comes to redness of the skin a good way to combat this, is using a skincare product which has the ingredient called rose water. It’s known to have anti-inflammatory properties which helps reduce redness. If skincare products carry this ingredient it can help the look of redness. Which will allow your foundation looking less pinkish.

In the case of dark circle or dark pigmentation it’s best to look at skincare products that brighten the skin, such as products that would be anything that is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to have a brightening agent which also gives the skin a beautiful glow.  It’s also good to look at creams that have SPF which help reduce dark pigmentation of the skin. Extreme sun exposure can accentuate hyper pigmentation and even create it, therefore, skin care products help to protect the skin from it which will effect the way your makeup will appear.

Ingredients in skin care have many benefits to help reduce hyper pigmentation from occurring.  It’s best to use products that cleanse, tone, and that protect and care for the skin.  By preventing any type of hyper pigmentation from occurring this will make your makeup apply evenly without having to worry about color correcting or your skin looking pink or gray.

5. Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles so that makeup does not settle in fine lines/ wrinkles

When it comes to skin that has fine lines and wrinkles applying makeup on it can be somewhat difficult. The reason being is because the makeup will have a tendency to settle in the fine lines and wrinkles and even sit on top of the skin.  By starting a great skincare regime this can help reduce this problem long term.

A great skin care regime should be implemented for most individuals in their early 20’s so that the skin can be maintained over the many years to come. Fine lines turn into wrinkle long term that’s why it’s important to have a daily skin regime to keep the skin hydrated.  

A basic skin care regime to prevent wrinkles would consist of:

Exfoliation: Weekly exfoliation is a must in every skin care regime because it helps reduce any texture to the skin.  It also helps the skin become more smoother so that your skin care products can sink into the skin better.

Weekly face masks: Consist of clay masks that help detoxify the skin. Clay masks in particular help surface any dirt and oils that may be sitting in the pores.  This is a necessity because it does help balance the skins oils.

Cleanse the skin daily: By cleansing the skin daily this helps keep the skin clean and removes any dirt, impurities and makeup that maybe sitting on the skins surface.

Toning the skin: This allows the skin to be further cleansed. Toning the skin helps remove any dirt and oils on the skin that the cleanser was unable to remove.  Toners also help condition the skin leaving it supple and hydrated.

Use a serum before moisturizing:  A serum will help you get the most out of your moisturizer. It will allow the moisturizer to sink into the skin better rather than sit on the surface of the skin.  This will help tackle those fine lines.

Moisturize the skin everyday: By using the correct moisturizer, your skin will be balanced and hydrated properly which will help reduce dry lines which will turn into fine lines.  Your daily moisturizer will keep your skin looking young, fresh and supple when used every single day.

Eye creams

The first area where skin will show signs of aging is the eye area. This is where when we laugh the outer corner of our eyes, we develop fine lines.  It’s important to start using an eye cream daily. The skin around the eye area is usually thinner than the rest of the face so your everyday moisturizer may not cut it. Eye creams are usually more hydrating and thicker in consistency than your everyday moisturizer. It’s a great idea to implement an eye cream to your everyday skin care routine.

Everyday skincare helps reduce dry lines which turns into fine lines and then wrinkles.  By having the right skincare regime costumed to your skin type this will help reduce wrinkles long term.  It’s important to have a daily skincare regime so that your skin remains young looking and so that makeup applies smoothly.  This prevents makeup having to ever get into fine lines and wrinkles.

In order to keep your skins pH level balanced always look at makeup that is suited for your skin type. For example, normal/combination skin should look at liquid foundations. Dry skin types should look at more hydrating formulations such as cream foundations and liquid foundations.  For oily skin types the formulations to go for are more matte finishes to help with absorbing any oils from the skin.

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